Missing records
If you know of records not shown on these maps, then this is almost certainly because they have not been submitted to the county recorder and our county database. Please provide us with your records if you have not already done so - the maps can only be as up-to-date and comprehensive as the data provided! Either provide your records to the appropriate county recorder or contact us giving the species name, date of your record, location and map grid reference or postcode. Unless you are an experienced recorder in the taxonomic group please also provide an image or voucher to support your record and the name of anyone who has identified or verified the record.
For your species Aporophyla lueneburgensis please note: Adult:
Adult: Can be mis-identified and/or local non-native. Refer to identification guide and known distribution.
Adult: Identification difficulties for most birdwatchers / in most conditions
Adult: Identification only accepted from known recorders or else needs confirmation from vice county recorder.
Adult: Less distinctive; reliably accurate identification comes with experience. (Includes species which are distinctive if dissected but otherwise less distinctive). A field photograph will usually not show enough to allow confident identification.
Adult: Identification only accepted from known recorders or else needs confirmation from vice county recorder or UK Ladybird Survey.
Adult: Identification only accepted from known recorders or else needs confirmation from vice county recorder
Adult: Species that are difficult to identify. Even experienced recorders may be expected to provide additional evidence, particularly if the record is outside of the normal flight period or geographical range of the species.
Adult: Specimen needs checking with chemical tests or microscopic examination. Records acceptable from known experienced recorders unless the date, region or habitat is unusual. Beginners should get specimens checked at first until they gain experience.
Adult: Can be identified by sight with some training or experience. May pose some difficulty in some conditions. Records from beginners may need verification but records should be accepted from experienced recorders.
Adult: Needs microscope to ID. Records from recorders of known experience accepted
Adult: Can be identified by any competent bryologist but requires microscopic confirmation
Adult: Can be identified in the field with care and experience. Needs a good view, preferably with close-focus binoculars. May be identifiable from a good photo, or series of photos showing different angles.
Adult: Identification only accepted from known recorders or else needs confirmation from vice county recorder.
Adult: Needs microscope to ID. Records from recorders of known experience accepted
Adult: Needs microscope to ID. Records from recorders of known experience accepted
Adult: Identification only accepted from known recorders or else needs confirmation from vice-county recorder
Adult: Very scarce / difficult species, voucher specimen may be required
Adult: Adult voucher specimen needs checking under magnification and good lighting. The Recording Scheme would accept records from experienced recorders without further question unless the date, region or habitat was especially unusual. Voucher specimen should be retained. Records accepted from known experienced recorders.
Adult: Species that require examination of external characters (including externally visible genitalia structures) under a microscope with good lighting, but where identification is then relatively straightforward. May apply to females of species in which identification of males is easier. Identification accepted from experienced recorders (unless season, region or habitat is unusual), but less experienced ones would be expected to provide a specimen.
Adult: Can be identified with some training or experience. May pose some difficulty in some conditions or by some methods. Less experienced recorders should provide additional information(e.g. for detector records recordings of calls; for visual /in hand measurements or photographs)
Adult: Please record unidentified water fleas as "Cladocera" rather than "Daphnia". (Daphnia is a genus of water fleas but there are similar species that have a different genus.). Water fleas (Cladocera) are very small and identifying them requires experience and the use of a high powered microscope. Photographs may be useful to verify records but must be taken through a microscope. Please record unidentified water fleas as "Cladocera" (not as "Daphnia" as this is just one group of water fleas).
Adult: Specimen needs checking under magnification and good lighting. Records accepted from experienced recorders without further question (unless the date, region or habitat was especially unusual). Beginners should get specimens checked at first until they gain experience. Usually not identifiable from a photo - unless you are lucky and get exactly the right features!
Adult: Specimen needs checking under magnification and good lighting (including externally visible genitalia structures). Records accepted from known experienced recorders without further question (unless the date, region or habitat was especially unusual). Beginners should get specimens checked at first until they gain experience. Voucher specimen should be retained. Usually not identifiable from a photo - unless you are lucky and get exactly the right features!
Adult: Species that require examination of external characters (including externally visible genitalia structures) under a microscope with good lighting, but where identification is then relatively straightforward. May apply to females of species in which identification of males is easier. Identification accepted from experienced recorders (unless season, region or habitat is unusual), but less experienced ones would be expected to provide a specimen.
Adult: Specimen needs checking with hand lens or microscope in good light (e.g. exercise caution identifying whilst out light trapping at night). Provided the moth is in good condition, the Recording Scheme would accept records from experienced recorders unless the date, region or habitat was unusual. Beginners should get specimens checked at first until they gain experience. Worn specimens will require dissection.
Adult: Specimen needs checking under magnification and good lighting. The Recording Scheme would accept records from experienced recorders without further question unless the date= region or habitat was especially unusual. Beginners should get specimens checked at first until they gain experience. Records accepted from known experienced recorders.
Adult: Specimen needs checking under magnification and good lighting. The Recording Scheme would accept records from experienced recorders without further question unless the date, region or habitat was especially unusual. Beginners should get specimens checked at first until they gain experience. Records accepted from known experienced recorders.
Adult: Voucher specimen needs checking under magnification and good lighting. Beginners should get specimens checked at first until they gain experience. Records accepted from known experienced recorders without further question unless the date, region or habitat was especially unusual. Voucher specimen should be retained.
Adult: Specimen needs checking as they may be confused with other similar species or may have key features which are microscopic. The Recording Scheme would accept records from experienced recorders without further question unless the date, region or habitat was especially unusual. Beginners should get specimens checked at first until they gain experience. Records accepted from known experienced recorders.
If you have a large number of records to submit, please use the Moth template here.